Intraoral Scanning
The time is now to go digital. Today's intraoral scanners are fast, highly accurate, and easy to use. There are a variety of options available, covering multiple price points and features.
What scanner is best for my practice?
Any salesperson can sell a system and a story about how it will revolutionize the way you perform dentistry and transform your practice. Not every scanner is the same, and there is no one size fits all system. Some may be less expensive but not have the same features.
The best way to find out is to try the scanner for yourself.
Our Digital Dental Xperience brings any scanner to your office. Experience a full digital workflow with your patients and see the nuances of each scanner for yourself.
How does it feel in your hand?
How do your patients react?
What are the systems limitations?
Once you try out a few, you can make a better decision and get a system you will actually use.
What makes us different?
Marotta Dental Studio is not a salesperson. We do not make commission off of a sale and we can accept any digital file you send. Our goal is for you to have a scanner that makes the most sense for your practice. We want you to use and succeed with the technology.
Visit our Digital Xpereince today to set up your in office experience today!