Send A Case
Sending us a case?
We have a local delivery service (HealthEx Courier) who conducts pickups and deliveries throughout the Tri-State area. Outside of their range? No problem, we are happy to provide UPS labels to send cases to us.
Need Packing Supplies?
Give us a call and we would be happy to supply bags, boxes, and bubble wrap.
Want to connect on a scanner?
Check out our digital connection page for all the information here.

Marotta Dental Prescription
If you are sending us a case we highly recommend using our prescription pad to ensure the best information gets communicated to us. Don't forget to sign and put your phone number so we know who the case belongs too!
If there is no physical case, you want to send files or photos you can use our online prescription form attached. This will be sent directly to the lab so we can start working on the case!
Case Planning Schedule
We aim to complete every case on time and avoid having to reschedule appointments. Please refer to the scheduling guide below to help plan out return dates. Cases requiring parts or attachments will require extra time to order them.
If you need a case rushed, simply contact us to schedule the case ahead of time.
Online File Transfer
Simply visit
And upload files directly to us - it is simple and easy to use.
Just drag the file or folder right into the browser window and send it on it's way.
Need help? Give us a call anytime.
And don't forget to send your RX as well: